Monday, October 16, 2006

Toilet Emergency Phrasebook: Western Hemisphere Ed.

As a service to my readers, I'm presenting this handy emergency phrasebook in the predominant languages of the Western Hemisphere.

English (US, Canada): Please, where is your toilet plunger?

Espanish (Mexico, Central and South America): ¿Dónde es tu tocador émbolo?

La French (Quebec): Où est votre toilette plongeur?

Portuguese (Brazil): Onde é seu toalete atuador? (Pron: "Blau blau blau!")

Let me know if this is useful! I could follow up with more guides in the future. For instance, 1) Central Europe, 2) your favorite Pacific Rim nations, and 3) the Indian Subcontinent (with 4000 languages, but only one kind of food: Indian).



At 11:57 AM, Blogger Adam Szymkowicz said...

very useful, thanks!!!!!


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